Even though many people have been downright upset that we haven't had a winter (umm Daniel), I find no reason to complain. Don't get me wrong...I would complain more then anyone could handle if there were snow everyday during Winter. If I could sit inside with a nice cup of cocoa and look out to see nice white fluffiness everywhere, my heart would be happy. It's when I have to go anywhere that I start to have anxiety attacks. I'm one of those people that looks out the window every few seconds to see if any more snow had fallen on the roads that I'm about to drive on. I HATE driving in the snow. For all those crazy people that enjoy it (umm... Cindy)--you go right ahead. I will not stop you.
Growing up in Idaho, we got snow and sometimes LOTS! I should be used to it (haha- yeah right). Because we haven't gotten any snow this year in St. Louis except for one day before this...people were kind of freaking out. They were like, "We are going to get 2-4 inches! Everyone BE CAREFUL!" I was thinking, "Yeah, I hate driving on it and I will panic, but really? That's all?!" Since the family I nanny for was generous enough to let me go home early on the only day we were getting snow, I felt like I should take some pictures of Lucy first seeing it.
Notice how Daniel is not wearing a coat? Yes he did just come outside for just a second to meet us as we got home...but I'm pretty sure I was wearing two coats, a hat, and boots... and yet I could only stand to be outside long enough to take these pictures and run back inside.
"What is this stuff that keeps trying to fall on my face?!"
Yep, this is me standing in the warmth of our apartment, looking out and thinking, "They look freezing!" I'm such a great Mom :)
Hahaha I'm with you Katie!