Thursday, October 27, 2011

Trip to the Zoo

Because Daddy's class was cancelled, he came over and took us to the zoo!  I didn't get many pictures because I was busy chasing the boy I nanny around (he walks everywhere now!) so these are the few pictures I did get. 
 In the reptile house...Lucy was looking at the fish.  Unless things were moving, she was not that interested.
 She loves that she gets to sit forward now in her stroller.  She does not like to recline, though. Lucy was soooo tired, and at one point she banged her head on the front of the stroller from falling asleep because she refused to recline. 
She did soo good!  Her favorite things were the birds in the bird house.  We sat and watched a colorful bird fly from branch to branch for about 10 minutes while Lucy looked at it with amazement.  I'm sure there will be many more zoo trips in the future so hopefully more pictures!

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