Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas Part 2!!!

About a week after we got back from Idaho, it was time for Christmas part 2.  When we got there, it was Daddy's birthday so we all went out to dinner to celebrate!
 Cousin Love!  Lucy was pretty excited to have someone sitting next to her in a high chair!  She just kept looking at him and smiling!

 When we got to the house, Lucy found a car tucked away in the toy bin.  That entertained her for long periods of time!

 New Toys!!!  She wanted to help cousin Addi play with her new toys! Notice the cute matching pj's?!

 Lucy was a little overwhelmed and tired.  Mommy and Daddy did most of the unwrapping for her, but she had lots of fun playing with all the toys later!

            A new outfit from Grannie and Pops!  Isn't it so cute?!  We can't wait to see her in it!

 Playing with Great Grandmother is always fun! Especially when she has fun strings on her sweatshirt to play with!
Lucy had a ton of fun playing with all her new toys. Unfortunately, she didn't get to play with them for very long since the day after Christmas she got the stomach bug.  That is why Mommy also didn't get much pictures.  When Mommy is getting thrown up on all day and cleaning up, pictures are the last thing she is thinking of

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