Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Cute (and sick) little girl

Between Christmas and now, I feel like I have been out of touch with reality.  Mostly because sickness has ERUPTED in the Potts home.  Like I said in the previous blog, Lucy (and Daddy) got the stomach bug which lasted a couple days.  Lucy got to have her first sick day and stayed home with Daddy.  They watched chicken little, slept, and bonded all day.  After that we thought Lucy was getting better! She certainly acted like it!
 She finally gets to wear her shirt!  Daddy and I have been wanting her to wear this shirt for so long but she now fits in it! 

 So after a few days of what we thought was getting better...diarrhea came with a vengeance. I don't think we have ever done so many loads of laundry in one day as well as diaper changes.  After finally getting a hold of the doctor, she wanted us to head to the emergency room in fear that she was dehydrated. Lucy got to wear the cutest hospital gown around and even though it was so sad to see her sick, we couldn't help but take pictures of our pathetic and cute little girl.

Turns out, our baby girl had an ear infection which caused the diarrhea.  She can't catch a break! Daddy and I were both so thankful that she wasn't dehydrated and that she is now on antibiotics to help her.  Poor baby girl! :(

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