Thursday, September 22, 2011

6 Months!

 Our little girl turned 6 months this week and it's so hard to believe!!!  Unfortunately, she got a fever the day she turned six months so a lot of the pictures I took, she looks miserable.  
 In the morning getting ready.  She just wanted to snuggle a lot this morning, which should have been my first sign that something wasn't right. 
 Going on a walk during the day.  This is about the only smile I got out of her all day.  She definitely was not herself.  She's still pretty adorable though :)
                                                     This is a "Momma...please stop taking
                                                       pictures of me.  I don't feel well."
Even though she wasn't feeling well (and we still have no idea why), Mommy did get lots of snuggling in which doesn't happen very often. It was also fun to see that when we got home, Lucy was all smiles for Daddy. Daddy didn't believe me when I told him she was sick.  

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