Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tis the season to have COLDS....ugh

 After the boy I watch picked up a cold from somewhere...Lucy and I were bound to get it.  It's so sad to hear her breathing and not being able to do much about it (Daddy and I thinks she sounds like a bulldog). 

Getting some much needed snuggle time in.  
We woke up and this is how her hair was.  I couldn't help but laugh because this picture just shows how miserable she is feeling.

 This shirt was drenched all day because she couldn't breathe through her nose--so it was drool central
 After waking up from nap, Mommy got snuggle time in (but I can never take pictures because I'm always afraid I will disturb her).  After she decided she was done snuggling and wanted to play, she still used her blanket for snuggling.  Doesn't she look so cute?
Yep..her hair is still crazy!

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