Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rainy Day Blues

 We really needed the rain in St. Louis and today God poured the rain on us.  It rained ALL day and I loved getting to sit inside and hear it.  Because we are used to going on walks everyday, the kids (Lucy and the boy I watch) were a little stir crazy.  Lucy was being very silly in this picture but she regularly has her tongue sticking out. Also--see the socks she's wearing?  I always loved those socks and I was so excited to get them when Lucy was born.  When I put them on her feet this morning, she just kept pulling them off.
 She loves her exersaucer.  She hasn't quite figured out how to jump in it yet, but she does play with all the toys and squeal when in it. 
 We built a wall up around the boy I watch.  He thought it was the coolest thing ever! Then he knocked all of them down and Lucy just laughed and stared at them as they were falling!
Our tired little girl...

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