Tuesday, December 27, 2011

First and Second day in Idaho

Another worry we had about going to Idaho is how Lucy would respond to so many new faces.  She did much better than we thought.  In fact, she would push off of you sometimes to get to people. 
 It really was so fun to watch these two together.  Max would get so excited when we would come over.  He would run around looking for toys to give to Lucy and then sit and play with her.  Here they found Mama's purse and decided to find all of the cool things in them. 
 When Uncle Mark finally got off work and came over for dinner, Lucy got to hang out with him.  Because Max and Lucy were on the same eating schedule, they got to eat together.  Max wanted to help feed Lucy.
 It was so nice to get a break from feeding Lucy because everyone wanted to help.  Lucy loved showing off all her signs when eating too and the family got a big kick out of it.  Lucy now signs "More" really well, sometimes signs, "all done", "milk", and "Dog" when she saw them. 

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