Monday, December 12, 2011

What blessings to be so thankful for

Every day I try to remember how blessed we are in life. One of the many blessings that we were reminded of today was the blessings of living and being at the Seminary.  We are surrounded by amazing Christian families and friends.  I love that we can look out our front door and see children playing in the park and families waving at one another.  Today we received gifts from churches for Lucy for Christmas.  We were blessed with so many things that Daniel and I were overwhelmed at how much.  It was so exciting to be able to see Lucy open up her first Christmas present!
Lucy was really tired when we showed her the presents.  She tried for a few seconds and then started to get annoyed. Daddy decided to help

She got a bear that was wearing a Cardinals hoodie.  She smiled when she pulled it out--that's our girl!
We truly are so blessed. Praise God for the families that took time and money out of their lives to do this for Lucy.

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