Sunday, December 4, 2011

This place has a parade for everything!

I have grown to really love Missouri and the many things it has to offer.  Washington, Missouri is beautiful and we love going there to see family.  One thing I have realized, living here the last couple years is that they have an event for everything...and I love it!  While we were there for Thanksgiving, they had their Thanksgiving/ Christmas parade.  We were all so excited to get dressed up to see it!
 Everyone waiting for the parade to start.  Pops wasn't feeling so well this week and Lucy was trying to figure out what everyone was doing

 Lucy and Mommy went inside Grannie's store for a while before the parade so that she could crawl around and not be held for a while. It also was much warmer inside
 Trying to get cousin pictures inside the store.  It was a failed attempt...but aren't they all sooo cute?!
Watching the parade with Grannie.  Lucy did okay except for the fact that the parade took much longer than we anticipated which meant crankiness towards the end. 

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