Sunday, December 4, 2011

Many reasons to be Thankful

We were so excited for Lucy's first Thanksgiving at Grannie and Pops house!  Lucy got to experience lots of new things and we are definitely thankful for family this year

   Lucy was so excited to have cousin bath time in Grannie and Pops bath!  She kept wanting to stick her head back and lay in the water---which is why Aunt Maggie is there for support
 Lucy eating a raw potato.  She will pretty much eat anything you give her--which makes our job easy!
 Getting ready for the big meal!  Doesn't she look so big sitting in a big high chair.  Lucy got to start eating before everyone else because this little girl hasn't figured out waiting yet :)
 The whole family (minus Chad--missed you!)  getting ready for the big meal.  It was delicious!
 Our big girl got to play on the real piano.  She LOVED it.  Maybe she'll take after her Mommy and play piano someday
 Some of the family decided they wanted to risk black friday at Walmart. I decided sleep was much better.  Grannie found Lucy her very own piano though!  Lucy loves it and dances and bangs her hands on it to the music

 Cousin picture time.  If you can't see-their outfits have the nativity scene on them  ADORABLE :)
                                          "Okay Mom...enough pictures already" 

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