Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Time with Friends and Family

It really was so nice to be with family and for them to get to see Lucy.  There were lots of times of just sitting around with family while they entertained Lucy.  Daddy and I got a nice break!
 Lucy loved sitting on people's laps and snuggling--especially if they had an iphone and would play youtube video's for her.  While we were there, Lucy also started cutting her two top teeth and so this giraffe came in handy several times

 Everyone loved getting to feed Lucy.  Lucy loved getting to show off!  This was the first morning that she got to spend with Grandpa because he had to leave for work early most of the days.  She showed him how well she eats and signs!
 For lunch one day, Mommy and Daddy took Lucy to meet up with one of mommy's good friends that she hasn't seen in a couple years!  This time she got to meet little Lucy.  Lucy was hamming it up the whole time and wanted to sit on their laps. 

 After lunch we stopped by Uncle Mark and Aunt Megan's house to play with Max.  Again, Max had to show off all his toys with Lucy.  Lucy and Max would play in the play room for a long time entertaining themselves. This time, Grandma felt like she wanted in on the action.

 After playing for a long time, she decided to snuggle with Aunt Bekah on the couch.  We are not sure if it was because she was teething and wasn't feeling well, but she wanted to snuggle LOTS while we were in Idaho--which isn't like her.  We were okay with it, though!

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